Thursday, September 20, 2012

Habitat For Humanity Gala 2012

  Houston Habitat for Humanity Gala
Richard E. Fluhr

Opening doors to home,

community and opportunity

Inaugural Gala celebrating 25 years of service
Wednesday, November 7, 2012 6:30 p.m.
Hilton Americas Houston

Richard E. Fluhr, "Pecans and Cactus; Fall 2012".
 Mixed Media on wooden Door, Front View
Richard E. Fluhr, "Pecans and Cactus; Fall 2012".
 Mixed Media on wooden Door, Back View

Saturday, August 4, 2012

"Dates" paintings finished in 2012

Part of a series based on dates over about 2years. For example; June 25, 2009, the day both Farrah Fawcett and Micheal Jackson died. Still working on 08/08/08 and many others.  I have a backlog of paintings that I have been slow to finish.

"Target, Yellow", Acrylic and Enamel on Paper, 2012 
Homage to "Cy" Twombly
 April 25, 1928 – July 5, 2011

" People Who Died on June 25, 2009",  Acrylic and Enamel on Paper, 2012

The fisrt one relating to dates was 0123456789;  that was the day of  the Tiananmen Square Massacre.  The painting was a Chinese Boy Soldier which I sold and can't find a photo and I don't remember who I sold it to. It was signed at  01:23 p.m. and 45 seconds on June 7, 1989, So; 


I have absolutely no reason for doing this other than a little OCD or just to force some work out of me.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Found Cranbrook Print, 1987, number 2/5

25 Years ago
Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum
Number 2/5 of  "Here We Go Again" , 1987, from my Guest Artist Lecture and Demonstration at the Academy 25 years ago this Summer.  The Museum acquired a copy , the 4th Richard Fluhr print in their permanent collection.  

"Here We Go Again" 1987
Hand colored Lithograph on Rives BFK buff.

The first 3 of the 4 works in the permanent collection at Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum. Love my alum., Thanks for everything.

The PRI is back in power in Mexico. Good Luck.

The PRI is back in power this election cycle.  I was there painting in 1990.

"The PRI: Mexico D.F"., 1990
Tempra and prismacolor on recycled paper.
After 71 years in power the country was shocked by the assasination of PRI candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio (1994). A further shock came during the vote counting. When it became apparent that the PRI candidate had lost, the PRI simply turned off the electricity on the TV coverage. When the lights had returned the computers had been reset and PRI candidate Ernesto Zedillo had won. The country was so outraged that the PRI could not commit eldectiral fraud on the same scale. President Zedillo vowed to change Mexican politics and kept his commitment. The result was the defeat of the PRI and the election of Vicente Fox (2000).

"Tepec, Nyreit, 1989"
Tempra and prismacolor on recycled paper.

President-elect Enrique Peña Nieto's Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, ended up with the most seats in Congress, based on an analysis of the "probable composition" of the next legislature, the Federal Electoral Institute, or IFE, said

Read more:

Good Luck to my Friends in Mexico.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Out of the Way

Thanks for all the 57th Birthday wishes.

"Out of The Way",  Paintings in 2012
By Richard E. Fluhr
Funny the amount of people who ask "How long did that take?"  Artists don't like to here that.  That's because it is always a lifetime of individual experiences that makes a work of art.  The expression can take take a few moments or months or years to feel finished to the artist. 
"Get Out of My Way", Houston, 2012
India Ink and Acrylic on Paper Bags,  Approx. 20" x 30" 

"Wait Over By The Corner", Houston, 2012
India Ink and Acrylic on Pager Bags,  Approx. 20" X 24"
With Black Background

I have dozens of works that I have been staring at and fretting over for years. Then once in a while a few decisions and all the sudden I look at it; do this and that, and there it is: "Finished".  These two have been in the works for over 2 years. I think they are just right. 

"Get Out of My Way" 2012
India Ink and Acrylic on Paper Bags,  Approx. 20" x 30"
With Black Background.

Comments or contributions always welcome and appriciated or call for information at 713 822 5153.
Thanks, Richard E. Fluhr
"Wait By That Corner", Houston, 2012
India Ink and Acrylic on Pager Bags,  Approx. 20" X 24"
On White

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer Paintings, 2012

New Paintings by Richard E. Fluhr, 2012
Kids  playing around a neighborhood pool. A four part group and a three part group done on used paper shopping bags with acrylic paint, Approx. 34" x 46" each.

"Kids Around the Pool, Houston 2012"


"Summer Swimmers, Houston 2012"
Have a great summer.
713 822 5153

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

 Richard E. Fluhr, Art Museum of South Texas Collection

(I am researching all my old museum collections now that most are on-line. Also looking for images for the ones that are not published yet. Museum Collections in Mexico may take a few years longer to find.)


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I can't find "Playhouse with Hair". This one is titled:
"Juggling Babies" 1987, Mexico
10" x 10"

Richard Fluhr
Playhouse with Hair
7" x 11 3/4"
Gift of Leslie and Henri Muth

LOCATION > 1902 Shoreline Blvd., CC, TX> directions        HOURS > Tues - Sat 10 am - 5 pm, Sun 1-5pm, Closed Mon & Holidays > admission
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